December 16, 2015

Vital Practices Digest: Top Ten Resolutions for Church Leaders in 2016

Top Ten Resolutions for Church Leaders in 2016

ECF Vital Practices, after taking a look back at the questions you asked us in 2015, has pulled together a top ten list of resolutions for congregational leaders to consider in 2016. If you find this list helpful, please subscribe to ECF Vital Practices to receive updates twice a month with recources for your congregation.

10. Start a legacy society.

Starting Planned Giving from Scratch” shares essential steps while “Making a Planned Gift to Benefit Your Congregation” shows how you or others can make important charitable contributions to your congregation, diocese, or other organization.

9. Know what to do if something breaks.

From the office copy machine to the lighting outside the church, “How Does it Work” offers a blueprint for creating a centralized system to manage all of your planned – and unplanned maintenance while “Lawn Mowers, Leaky Pipes, and Prayers” reflects on how good administration is good ministry.

8. Read the Bible more.

According to research, reading the Bible is the most effective spiritual practice. “The Bible Challenge” and “Transform Your Congregation: Read the Bible” share how individuals, groups, or congregations can develop intentional reading and reflecting on scripture.

7. Be a little more green this year.

Greening Our Faith – Turning Faith into Action” offers a menu of opportunities for congregations and “Beauty and Advocacy” has suggestions for worship and Christian formation.

6. Rethink traditional VBS and youth ministry offerings.

Many youth programs and vacation Bible schools just aren’t working anymore and require resources that congregations struggle to support. Find out how congregations are bucking these trends with “Experimenting with VBS” and “Youth Events, Plus A Youth Group.”

5. Build a healthy team on a retreat.

It’s important to know the different development stages of groups that are explained in “How Does Your Group Grow? Group Developmental Stages.” Going on a retreat is a great first step for group formation, consider attending the ECF-Kanuga Church Leadership Conference in February.

4. Take a closer look at your gift and spending rules.

Why wouldn’t you want to accept a gift? “Gifts: Thank you, but…” shares why every parish should have an updated set of policies and “Spending Rules for Endowments” shares the basics every leader should know about how legacy funds are governed and used.

3. Have FUN with photo and video.

Instagram Photos and Videos for Churches” and “Hello! Taking the Mountain to Mohammed” shows that it doesn’t take tons of money or technical know-how to have fun with video and photo.

2. GO! And share more with your community.

Commit to making this the year in which your parish does one, or one more thing, out in the community. “God Called. We’ve Got Work to Do,” “From Outreach to Relationship,” and “Meeting God in a Faith Garden” are three popular examples to help you get started.

1. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

Engaging in holy and strategic thinking to guide discussions and decision making can help your congregation thrive in a ever changing and complex world. “Why Strategic Planning” shares how this process can make a difference and “Strategic Visioning Planning” and “From Vision to Action” shares how you can implement this in your congregation.

What are your church’s 2016 resolutions? Add your comments below or tell us on Facebook or Tweet us at @ECFVP.

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