December 20, 2017

Top 5 Posts of 2017

This month we’re sharing five of the most popular posts in 2017 on ECF Vital Practices. Help your parish leadership get connected to more great resources by sharing this digest and an invitation to subscribe to ECF Vital Practices to receive Vestry Papers and the monthly digest.

1. 10 Common Mistakes in Fundraising for Congregations
10 Common Mistakes in Fundraising for Congregations
lists pitfalls to avoid when fundraising and how to make the experience joyful, focused and successful.

2. Be Prepared; Save a Life
Be Prepared; Save a Life
shares how churchgoers saved the pianist's life on Christmas Eve.

3. Beginning Your Vestry's Work Together
Beginning Your Vestry’s Work Together
shares the importance of intentionally forming the vestry as a group of leaders and disciples by learning both each other’s values and the expectations of the role.

4. Can the Church Learn from McDonald's?
Can the Church Learn from McDonald’s?
looks at the evolution of McDonald's to think about change and how church leaders might approach changing times.

5. What Does a Rector Do?
What Does a Rector Do?
explores what the job of a rector is from perceived expectations to the church-wide Canons.