November 20, 2018

Feeling Thankful

Is there an emoji for “feeling reflective?” If so, that’s me this Thanksgiving week. Here are some reasons I am grateful for the work to which I’ve been called as a capital campaign and Strategic Solutions consultant for the Episcopal Church Foundation.

As Episcopalians, we’re big on community – on worshipping and praying in community with the faithful around the world. Most of us do that mainly through our local congregation. I get to do it with faith communities around the Midwest and beyond.

When I visit our clients, I hear different takes on the Gospel. I witness amazing outreach ministries. I see all varieties of people taking new steps of faith, using their talents and giving their treasure, with outcomes they did not expect to be possible. God is there, and I get to share in their journey, experience their struggle, and celebrate with them in their success.

When I hear the term “the wider church,” I think of these specific people and places. They have added new dimensions, new ideas, new challenges to my faith journey. I have been stretched, enlightened and inspired, even as I am there to do the same for them.

I invite all of you engaged in ministry of any kind to include that role on your “what I am thankful for list” this week. If you are a steady reader of Vital Practices, I can practically guarantee that this includes you. May God continue to bless your ministry.