October 15, 2014

Critical Feedback

Whether we want to hear it or not, paying attention to feedback – solicited or unsolicited – is critical. When we listen for – and to - how others see us, it opens a window on how we, or our ministries, are perceived by others. This month in the ECF Vital Practices mid-month digest, we offer articles and resources for generating critical feedback, from tough conversations to audits, in practical and palatable (and, in some cases, far more affordable) ways. 

Our team at the Episcopal Church Foundation is committed to helping you develop the leadership and financial skills to carry out your congregation’s mission and ministry. Subscribe to ECF Vital Practices and get Vestry Papers and the mid-month digest delivered right to your inbox - it's simple and free! Click here or on the subscribe button on the top right side of each webpage.

Do you have feedback for us? Leave a comment below or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

Get a Ground-Level Perspective
As an “insider” it can be difficult to get an accurate picture of what is working and what is not. In “Get a Ground-Level Perspective,” Sarah Bartenstein shares practical ideas for congregations to conduct a communications audit.

Sharing Audits
Audits can be expensive and inexpensive audits can have little impact. In “Sharing Audits,” Greg Syler shares how his congregation has partnered with neighboring congregations to conduct audits of each others finances and share critical and valuable insights.

Blog Posts

Giving Feedback: Do you find it hard to be honest? Practicing giving feedback with honesty and within the context of gratitude, is a worthwhile challenge.

The Value of Advice: Congregational leadership should acknowledge the role of this input: You talked. We heard you – and here’s how.

Who Should be at the Table?: Three practical guidelines for leaders to help determine who needs to be included in the decision making process - and who shouldn't.

Tools and Resources

Are Nice People REALLY Killing Our Churches?: Speaking the truth can be unpleasant or uncomfortable. Here are some of ECFVP’s resources on speaking the truth, covered in grace and love.

Amp Up Your Hospitality:
Practical steps congregations can take to evaluate what being a new person at your church would be like and how to improve it.

Upcoming ECF Webinars: Register today for free upcoming webinars such as ‘Communicating Stewardship Year-Round’ and ‘Basics of Endowments.’

Holy Care for Holy Spaces

There is little glamour in maintenance, yet we deeply care about our facilities and depend on our buildings and grounds for everything from worship to outreach. In “Holy Care of Holy Places,” Annabelle Radcliffe-Trenner shares how to begin putting together a maintenance manual and conduct an audit of your buildings and grounds.

This Month in Year-Round Stewardship
With your annual stewardship campaign underway, you have asked congregants to show their commitment through their pledges and gifts. But is your congregation showing its gratitude and saying thank you? Fred Osborn points out how leaders can do this in "Enabling Generosity." "Many churches could be better at making people feel that their contributions are important and appreciated."