July 1, 2015

July 2015 Editor’s Letter: Vision and Planning

Who are we? What is our vision? Where are we going?

For July, Vestry Papers invites congregations to consider these questions, reflecting on the gifts God has granted to us while also listening – and watching – for what God is calling us to do in our communities. Our offerings include: 

How does a congregation live into its sacred role as a healer? This question remains central to the leaders at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Chelsea, Mass. In “Small Church, Big Impact,” Nancy Davidge shares the story of a small congregation who, despite economic challenges, remain committed to following in the footsteps of their name saint St. Luke by living into his sacred role as a healer.

“What are we to do with that knowledge?” Ongoing visioning and planning is a key vestry responsibility. In “Why Articulate Your Mission & Vision,” an excerpt from the new Vestry Resource Guide, Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott share a process to help congregational leaders and faith communities discover what God is calling them to do.

"Why Strategic Planning?” by Linda Buskirk invites congregational leaders to consider discerning God’s call as a community through prayerful reflection and conversation on the gifts God has uniquely provided your congregation and the needs that exist in the world around you.

En "El amor incondicional de Dios," Alex Montes-Vela nos habla de cómo podemos compartir las Buenas Nuevas del amor incondicional de Dios con todo el mundo – dejando que toquen y experimenten las cosas “brillosas” que a menudo cuidamos demasiado y nos ayuda a entender que sólo dejando que la generosidad de Dios nos quebrante podemos compartir ese amor a los demás. Also available in English. In ”God Helps Us to See,” Alex Montes-Vela reminds us that it is through our brokenness that we can truly see what God is calling us to do – and be – in the world.

It’s my hope that these Vestry Papers stories and ideas might spark a conversation at a vestry or other leadership meeting and perhaps provide a catalyst for looking at your own situation in a different way.

Each Vestry Papers article includes a practical application that you might try at an upcoming vestry meeting. You’ll also find a list of resources related to the topic. If you have a resource you’d like to share, please email me with the link or add it to the site using the Your Turn feature.

If you are interested in seeing our Spanish language content, please visit our searchable index for our Spanish content here.

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