October 17, 2013

Just Do It

Normally by now, I’ve figured out what I want to write.

Often I mull over the subject for this blog as I’m falling asleep the night before. If I’m lucky, it’s half-written in my mind before I reach the computer the next morning.

But today? Not so much.

I’ve trolled Facebook for inspiration. Looked through a couple of diocesan websites for ideas. But I’m just not feeling it. I could blame writer’s block, but I suspect it’s more like tired-with-a-lot-of-work-to-do block. I’d really rather go back to bed.

Yesterday evening, I was helping my daughter study for a science test. She doesn’t like the teacher, and I might understand why. And the subject matter isn’t the fun and engaging science stuff (at least in her opinion—and mine). It’s air pressure and wind cycles and ozone layers. Blech.

But, I told her, you just have to push through. Even when you don’t feel like it. 

So this morning, it’s do as I preach, not as I feel like doing. And I suppose that perseverance and persistence offers a spiritual lesson and even a vital practice. 

In our own spiritual lives and certainly the lives of our congregations, there are times when we’re blocked. We’re not inspired. We’re too tired to get up early for a Bible study or a women’s breakfast. The spaghetti supper at the end of a long work day feels like more work, not fellowship. We want to hunker down and crawl inward. 

But commitment to the church, to blog writing, to spiritual practices, and to a life of faith means that sometimes you just have to push through, to show up, to write, to participate, even when you don’t want to. Even when you’re uninspired. Even when you’d like to blame writer’s block. 
I’m thankful for grace that I don’t have to hit a homerun every time I show up, every time I worship, every time I write. I just have to do it—trusting that God can use and transform what I give.