June 16, 2015

Messy Church Success!

Our grand VBS experiment was a success. In a post a few weeks ago, I promised I would circle back after the first session and report on the program.

Like many congregations, we’ve struggled to find the right fit for summer Christian formation. Even though we have forty to fifty children involved in choirs and acolyte service during the school year, our Vacation Bible School attendance has been anemic for the past few summers.

Led by our awesome (and very part-time) Christian formation director, we decided to try a different approach.

We’re holding once-a-month, intergenerational Christian education, with crafts, a meal, singing, and worship. The idea is to gather folks of all ages together for a night of fellowship, fun, and formation.

We had about forty people in attendance for the first session. Using the Messy Church format, we offered a variety of craft stations, a simple but tasty meal, and concluded with energetic and engaged worship. One of the delights (and surprises) was the participation of some different families and individuals. Sure, there were some of the usual suspects but we also had people who don’t normally come to church except for Sunday mornings. We also had a few octogenarians (and even one ninety-year-old!).

One couple, both in their 80s, led the group in singing happy birthday, complete with custom, family-tradition lyrics. When the husband asked why they were going to the program, the wife answered, “Because it sounds fun. And I want to be with my church family.”

Pretty great endorsement, for all ages.

The next session is in July, and already there’s talk of making this a permanent, year-round program.

We found what works for us. What about you? How are you experimenting with Christian education in the summer? Share your stories here!