October 7, 2015

October 2015 Editor’s Letter: Rethinking Stewardship

October 2015 Editor’s Letter: Rethinking Stewardship

What can we learn from the experiences of others? This issue of Vestry Papers features articles that share ways three congregations are overcoming challenges related to annual giving as well as offering an antidote for the anxiety that can arise during giving campaigns:

The leadership at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Valley Lee, Maryland recognize that changing from ‘the way we’ve always done this’ to a new approach takes time. In “Raising Disciples, Generous Givers,” Greg Syler, continues the story he began sharing in 2012 with an update on how their approach to giving is working and their new emphasis on raising disciples as an integral part of their giving program.

In “The 2% Campaign,” Carla Roland-Guzmán shares great examples of the differences between almsgiving, offerings, and tithes. She gives practical advice on how to start giving 2% and continue toward 10% when we understand the basis of our giving.

En “La Campaña del 2%” Carla Roland-Guzmán comparte ejemplos de la diferencia entre limosnas, ofrendas, y el diezmo. Da consejos prácticos de cómo dar el 2% y seguir hacia el 10% cuando entendemos la base de nuestra generosidad.

Doubts about a congregations ability to raise money can be the ‘elephant in the room’ threatening to undermine a campaign’s best efforts. In “Antidote to Anxiety (About Raising $),” Leslie Pendleton names some of these fears and offers a strategy for addressing them.

En “Campaña de Generosidad” Victor Conrado comparte lo que ha funcionado y lo que no ha funcionado en su iglesia bilingüe y multi-étnica para tener una relación con Dios y que compartan su tiempo, talento, y tesoro al dar generosamente.

In “Campaign of Generosity” Victor Conrado talks about what has worked and what hasn’t in his bilingual and multiethnic church’s quest to have a relationship with God and share their time, talent, and treasure as they give generously.

We encourage you to think about how the ideas presented in this and every issue might provide an impetus for evaluating and reflecting on what you might learn from the experiences of others. To help in your discernment, at the end of each article we offer a list of the resources related to the topic. If you have a resource you’d like to share, please email me with the link or add it to the site using the Your Turn feature.

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