February 4, 2013

St. Mind Reader

For most problems in our lives, there’s a patron saint.

Need a house sold? Petition St. Joseph.

Troubled pregnancy? Pray to St. Gerard.

Lost something? Help me, St. Anthony.

But to the best of my knowledge and Google’s search capacity, there is no saint mind reader.

Our priest reminded folks of this gap in the calendar of saints during the announcements. The ECW is considering changes to their primary fundraiser. A lot of people stake claim to this tradition, from the ribbon sandwiches to the decorations, from the time, date, and location, to the composition of raffle baskets.

On the one hand, it’s pretty great that so many people claim ownership in this event. All too often in churches, important gatherings wither on the vine for lack of care and commitment. 

At the same time, overwatering and micromanaging comes with their own risks. 

Managing change and honoring tradition is a tightrope we’ll walk. But we can only do it when people are willing to speak up and share their opinions in a constructive and collaborative manner. 

We’re having a meeting next week to talk about the event and possible changes. We will try to listen and respond to the concerns – but only those raised by the people in attendance. We can’t read minds, and we won’t dabble in assumptions. 

And unfortunately, there’s no possibility for intercessions from St. Mind Reader.