Understanding the Theory of Change and Transition

Change and transition are not the same – one is an event and the other is a process.

Understanding this difference can help congregational leaders be more effective in times of change. This resource offers a brief introduction to the theory of change and transition and provides opportunities for people to reflect on their personal experiences as a way to understand the implications of the theory. It can serve as the basis for discussion with vestries, search committees, or any leadership team contemplating making changes in congregational life.

If you do not have PowerPoint, you can download a free PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft’s website (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13) which will enable you to view, project the images, or print the presentation. You will also find a PDF version of the notes pages below, which will enable to read the presentation without PowerPoint.

If you would like to read more about change and transition a bibliography of suggested resources is found below.

PowerPoint on Theory of Change and Transition

PDF of PowerPoint on Theory of Change and Transition

Bibliography of Resources on Change and Transition