Resources for Clergy Transitions

The materials available to download below cover the entire span of a congregation’s transition – from the announcement that the current clergyperson is leaving through the call of his/her replacement.

Originally designed by Fresh Start to be used by Diocesan Transition Ministers, search/transition consultants, and interims who work with congregational lay leaders, the following resources consists of three parts:

  • An Overview – read this first as it provides an explanation for the design of the material, a bibliography, and a suggested timeline for bringing these resources into the congregation.
  • PowerPoint Sessions – a series of short (15-30 minutes) sessions in PowerPoint format to introduce concepts to lay leaders.
  • Supplemental material - handouts and other resources to use with the sessions or independently to support lay leaders during a transition.

A PDF copy of all the PowerPoint notes pages are available to download, which will enable to read the presentation without PowerPoint. If you do not have PowerPoint, you can download a free PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft’s website ( which will enable you to view, project the images, or print the presentation.

Overview of Fresh Start in the Search Process

Session 2 - Understanding Transition

Session 3 - Good Exits Create Good Entrances

Session 4 - Entrance and Transition

Session 5 - Change and Readiness in Transition

Session 6 - Church Size and Transition

Session 7 - Role Clarity in Times of Transition

Session 8 - Mutual Review of Our Ministry

Supplemental Material - Parable of the Trapeze

Supplemental Material - Change Readiness Assessment

Supplemental Material - Church Size and its Implications

Supplemental Material - Exit Checklist for Clergy

Supplemental Material - Exit Checklist for Lay Leaders

Supplemental Material - Congregational Data Collection Sheet

Supplemental Material - Exit Interview Questions

Supplemental Material - Exit Liturgy

Supplemental Material - History Sharing in Transition