Vestry Discernment Process

As a new rector in the 1990s, Janie Kirt Morris knew that she wanted a prayerful process for raising up healthy, faithful leaders for the congregation. She attended conferences and listened to wise observations from experienced lay and clergy leaders and over time created a process that has helped us at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Houston. Here are some of the tools she had developed - and refined - to help with the vestry discernment process.

Resources are available in both English and Spanish.

Sample Vestry Discernment Letter

Sample Agenda Vestry Discernment Meeting

Vestry Discernment Process Outline

Sample Criteria and Expectations for Vestry Members

Ejemplo de Carta de Discernimiento: Junta Parroquial

Ejemplo de programa de Reunión de Discernimiento para la Junta Parroquial

Discernimiento de la Junta Parroquial

Expectativas y Criterios Relativos a los Miembros de la Junta Parroquial