
You might say that “Those dratted televangelists make a mockery of religion!” Maybe, but they have to have done something right to be around for so long. In our latest blog, Annette Buchanan looks at what we might borrow from…
In our latest blog, Greg Syler applies the Invite Welcome Connect method to the new paradigm of virtual church. As he says, no one wanted to learn how to do church in quite this way but many have done online services very wel…
Ken Mosesian takes stock of our new reality and encourages us as lay and clergy leaders to continue moving forward towards the light, creating virtual resources that will sustain our congregations until we can be physically t…
In our latest blog, Richelle Thompson tells the story of the Good Book Club. In 2018, Forward Movement organized the initiative and brought in partner organizations from across the Episcopal Church. For the first year, they r…
This month we offer five resources for Christmas reflections.
This month we offer five resources on generous hospitality.
Melissa Rau writes our latest blog from the viewpoint of young parents who are interested in getting involved, but are ultimately turned off by their church. They are welcomed, but not welcome to change anything.
This month we offer five resources on community outreach.
Many in the Episcopal Church have a love and appreciation of the liturgy. But there are many who are still learning its ways. Some churches have accommodated this fact by including a written guide or a handout for those looki…
Lisa Fischbeck’s church acquired five acres of land that had once belonged to someone who took good care of it. On talking to people and doing research, they learned that restoring native plants restores the health and functi…
Simple actions like nodding hello to strangers while walking around the neighborhood can create a temporary connection that brings a shared closeness. Alan Bentrup explains his version of prayer-walking evangelism in his late…
Lisa Fischbeck figured the Memorial Day concert and cookout would be a good way for folks to experience the hospitality of the church. It also proved to be a much easier entry point for newcomers than Sunday mass.
Mary Cat Young shares her advice on how to approach the subject of evangelism to millennials. How do we get millennials into our churches? By getting ourselves in a place where we can see, hear and learn from them.
Samantha Haycock found that there are quite a few transferable skills between partially-blind, online dating and talking to strangers about Jesus. Often first dates proved fertile ground to practice spreading the Good News, a…
Obviously, whatever we think we cannot live without is where we should spend our time and treasure. Experience shows that problems arise when these areas are not nurtured.
If you want to get better at something, you practice. That’s true for sports, or musical instruments, or spiritual disciplines.
What are some new or different ways we can measure parish vitality?
In this hyper-digital, connected-but-disconnected day and age, the church that finds a way to connect people to people so that everyone has someone to walk with them and represent Christ will not only be counter-cultural but …
How do you, and your congregation, practice loving those different than you?
In my travels this Summer I had the opportunity to interact, albeit briefly, with Anglican churches in the Bahamas, Panama and London. What these experiences illustrated is that while sharing similar religious tradition and w…