
By Ibby Whitten
As vestry members, we often spend so much time worrying over the “deficits” and “losses” and “funding gaps” reported each month that we are unable to see the true abundance that is right before us.
By Tom Patterson
Especially in these difficult economic times, when every penny counts, an effective church audit is a necessity and no longer an option.
By Rees Olander
The latest saying making the rounds is, “Never waste a good crisis.” And with good reason, for whether congregations find their budgets funded through pledges or endow- ment income or both, vestries are facing hard financial …
By Matthew Freeman
What follows are insights into the “narrative budget,” growing in popularity because of its ability to draw members of the congregation into the budget process...and keep them there.
By David A. Williams
Thou shalt accept the fact that you can't fix everything.
By Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott
Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott focus on the administrative aspects of congregational leadership, looking at topics such as insurance, reporting, property management, human resources (employees and volunteers), and safeguardi…
By Lisa Meeder Turnbull
Lisa Meeder Turnbull invites congregational leaders to consider the stewardship of structure and governance as a framework supporting the mission and vision of your congregation.
ECF360 is a new low-cost self-service subscription site for comprehensive fundraising for your Episcopal community of faith, brought to you by the Episcopal Church Foundation. Access resources on stewardship and annual giving…
By Heidi Shott
The Diocese of Maine has taken the lead in securing a fair minimum wage for its lay employees. In Maine Puts its Money Where its Mouth Is, Heidi Shott describes the diocese’s path toward economic justice for lay employees.
By Charis Bhagianathan
In this issue, we highlight traditional tools, as well as relationship-building and partnership-focused ideas to consider that will enrich our learning and service to our Church.
By Miguel Escobar
One of the most ravaging effects of this ongoing pandemic is the exposure and creation of extreme financial vulnerability. In Financial Interconnectedness Amidst COVID-19, Miguel Escobar revisits history to reveal what it mea…
By Connie Rux
As church, how we raise, spend and steward our money can tell a powerful story about our values. In Growing God’s Work, Connie Rux tells the story of All Saints Episcopal Church in Tarpon Springs, Florida, and how they have a…
By Jennifer Miramontes
Faith-based credit unions exist to serve disadvantaged individuals in a community; their members believe that investing within their communities is important. In Credit Unions and Economic Justice, Jennifer Miramontes share…
By Nicole Seiferth
ECF recently launched a new publication – the Finance Resource Guide. In The Finance Resource Your Vestry Needs, Nicole Seiferth breaks down what the book offers and shares why this is a must-have publication for every transf…
By Diane Jardine Bruce
How does change affect finances and budgeting? In Why Budget?, Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce shares two budgeting techniques to help craft budgets that are mission-aligned, but also flexible enough to accommodate changing circum…
By Anne Vickers
What role does financial strategy play in strategic visioning? In Through All Kinds of Weather, Anne Vickers shares the Episcopal Church’s unique five-step system of integrated support to transform us into mission-driven, fin…
By Phyllis Jones
How can we be better disciples with regard to how we use our gifts? How can your mission be at the heart of your budget? In Mission-based Budgeting: A Loving, Liberating, Life-Giving Practice (Part 2), Phyllis Jones shares he…
By Wendy Pineda
Wendy Pineda analiza las finanzas personales, y explica que las tres cosas más importantes que debemos saber son nuestros ingresos mensuales, nuestros gastos mensuales y la cantidad de deuda que tenemos.
By Wendy Pineda
What does a healthy approach to finance involve? And what steps can we take to improve both our personal and church finances immediately? In Healthy Finances, Wendy Pineda gives us easy tips to move towards sound financial ma…
By Ken Quigley
How is an endowment managed effectively and who is responsible for it? In Church Endowments: Blessing or Curse, Kenneth Quigley details the roles of those responsible as fiduciaries, explains the goals of an endowment committ…