Vision & Planning

We’ll need these precious, quiet times in the year – these times when the world around seems to hush, even for just a bit – so we can come indoors, reflect, give thanks, and look forward – this dynamic communal motion which i…
What the Church does (or should do) is all missional. But I think too often we forget that.
The work of discernment asks the leadership to consider slowing down the process and allowing the congregation to enter a more substantial conversation.
The problem isn’t generating ideas; it is overcoming the obstacles and executing your new idea.
Or, how a remake of a remake of a song became a classic.
Here is a methodology for leading a group, such as a vestry, to think strategically about priorities in the months ahead.
Ministry isn’t an intellectual, theoretical exercise. Ministry involves real people living real lives in real time, and, like it or not, I am also one of those people – not better or different or more or less capable of anyon…
In the church, are we too often unwilling to try new things because we instead are striving for “perfection” in the things we already are doing?
My idea was all I could see. It took someone else, and their idea, and mixing the two together, to help produce the final product. A better idea, formed from the two.