Capital Campaigns

This is part two of a two part blog in which I address a question I hear frequently. In part two, I will address capital giving and planned giving.
The short answer to his questions is, if we (the campaign leadership from your parish supported by me, your ECF capital campaign consultant) do our jobs right, the total given through annual stewardship pledges will not decre…
It is amazing, if you have prepared carefully and asked rightly, how frequently people will do exactly what you ask them to do. And they will feel great as they do it.
The question I am often asked when I am making a presentation to prospective clients is usually related to making “The Ask”.
This month we offer five resources to help your congregation with conducting a successful capital campaign. Please share this digest with your parish leadership and extend an invitation to subscribe to ECF Vital Practices’ to…
“Doesn’t having a capital campaign negatively impact annual stewardship?” This question is one of the most frequently asked by churches anticipating a capital drive.
How a successfully run capital campaign can raise funds for whatever the church needs.
Relationship building is evangelism.
If I were to paraphrase Ms. Satir for our context, I might say something like this, “once a church commits to a capital campaign with ECF, thorough communications will play an important role in determining the relationships p…
We aren’t asking for money because we need money for its own sake, but because of what that money will enable us to do, together.
Aside from the elements of our Christian faith and worship practices, churches are not so different from secular nonprofit organizations, and can learn valuable lessons from our non-religious cousins.
Angels in the Bible often say, “Fear not!” as they are about to deliver some awesome news from God. These words suggesting “Do not be afraid,” can be a needed preface to many conversations about embarking on a capital campaig…
One of the most oft-cited reasons for hiring a campaign consultant is the desire of a parish campaign team to test the feasibility of raising the dollars needed for the projects being proposed.
Motivational speaker Simon Sinek stresses that WHAT we do, and HOW we do it, are LESS important than a clear understanding of WHY we do things.
Why do relatively few parishes mount capital campaigns or have planned giving programs?