Youth & Young Adults

You’ve probably heard the familiar grumble in your church or ministry setting “Where have all the young people gone?” Jacob Sierra, ECF's Program Director for Adaptive Ministries, addresses this situation in our latest blog p…
This month we offer five resources on youth ministry.
This month we share five resources on welcoming families in worship.
The Rev. Spencer Hatcher writes about the vibrant sense of community and grace that can be found at Episcopal summer camp.
This month we share five reflections on Easter.
Maria Teresa Bautista-Berrios relates the story of her wonderful family and how they are her rock as she pursues the priesthood.
In our latest blog, Canon Annette Buchanan discusses the lack of youth representation in Sunday Zoom services and engagement with the church during the pandemic.
This month, we've asked 2015 ECF Fellow the Rev. Dr. Reed Carlson to choose five resources from Vital Practices to highlight.
In our latest blog, Michael Carney writes about ways that the Art Empowers youth program at St. Elizabeth’s on the Ute reservation in Utah successfully modified its programming to accommodate pandemic precautions.
Liz Perraud offers a new kind of Vacation Bible School to support churches for at-home faith formation this summer.
A church coloring book? Sure, why not? It’s a creative and accessible way to teach both children and adults about the church and its traditions. Using drawings done by artists in the congregation also honors their talents.
Melissa Rau writes our latest blog from the viewpoint of young parents who are interested in getting involved, but are ultimately turned off by their church. They are welcomed, but not welcome to change anything.
Lindsey Harts grew up doing “code red drills” where she hid from a pretend shooter. She feels that this common experience among millennials helped lead to the generation’s demand for radical authenticity. As she says, “in a w…
John Lynch was always expected to be a leader as a millennial. He thinks it’s because he continued to show up in church. Here he shares his impressions of leadership and a lesson that he learned from members of the oldest gen…
As a millennial leader in Youth Ministry, Erin has walked with students as they’ve gone through serious traumas. She hopes that adults remember how valuable young people are and work to keep them safe.
Gerlene Gordy grew up half time on the Navajo reservation and half time in the city. She started volunteering in the Church and got involved with Navajo singing groups and Bible studies that had both Navajo and English versio…
Hilary Bogert-Winkler argues that millennials as a group have a particular relationship with authenticity. The churches she’s seen that are thriving and that have a healthy number of millennials and their families are churche…
Alan Yarborough asks whether the Episcopal Church has what it takes to heal the political divide in this country. He posits that the Church has the space, staff, systems and stuff required to do so.
Samantha Haycock found that there are quite a few transferable skills between partially-blind, online dating and talking to strangers about Jesus. Often first dates proved fertile ground to practice spreading the Good News, a…
Nelson Mendoza observes that the very popular Marie Kondo method of decluttering (keep only what sparks joy) can also be applied to individual religious practices. What we can truly take away is that the process for sparking …