July 2009
Financial Planning

The Ten Commandments for Vestries

Thou shalt accept the fact that you can't fix everything.

Thou shalt accept the fact that if you were not a child of God, you would not be here.

Thou shalt accept the fact that loving each other as Christ loved us is often very difficult — but it works!

Thou shalt accept the fact that church life is sometimes hard, frustrating, and unfair — but always interesting.

Thou shalt expect the best only from yourself — others will follow your example.

Thou shalt trust that your colleagues will be able to work out problems better than you can by yourself.

Thou shalt remember that your feelings will get hurt — learn to forgive and move on.

Thou shalt hurt the feelings of others — seek their forgiveness and move on.

Thou shalt remember that we are all more human than otherwise — so learn to enjoy yourself.

Thou shalt remember that in all things we say, think, and do, God is with us.

David A. Williams, D. Min., is the rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
This article is part of the July 2009 Vestry Papers issue on Financial Planning