Building Collective Leadership in Education & Church Leadership

Broken. Unstable. Poor. Incapable. This narrative about Haiti has been shared, supported, set. Education statistics and aid patterns to Haiti strengthen the narrative. Yet, that single story is not the full story. The story that includes how Haiti became the first independent black republic of the world, after the only successful slave revolt in history. Social movements in Haiti’s history also point the way to a radically different reality, a truth that is undeniable: when collective leadership is encouraged in Haiti, social transformation occurs.

Anseye Pou Ayiti's ministry and movement are centered on providing all children their human right to a quality education rooted in a local, grassroots approach to collective leadership. We are identifying, implementing, and tracking the impact of how our teacher leaders can model collective leadership – not only for their students, but for parents, lay leaders, clergy, and leaders across different sectors of society. The Episcopal Diocese of Haiti is the largest diocese of the Episcopal Church, and Anseye Pou Ayiti's network of over 30 partner schools include several Episcopal schools. During the webinar, we will discuss the links between collective and servant leadership in transforming education and social outcomes.

Presented by ECF Fellow Nedgine Paul, Founder of Anseye Pou Ayiti

PowerPoint Slides for Building Collective Leadership in Education & Church Leadership 09.12.17