June 28, 2013

Seeing is Believing!

60’s shag carpeting is not part of our vision.”

ECF has a three-phase strategy for capital campaigns: Discernment-Feasibility Study- Solicitation. During Discernment, we work with parishes to determine what God is calling them to do. 

What does this mean? Specifically, we determine what projects are of priority for capital fundraising to the parish in order for them to fulfill their mission and live more fully into their long-term mission. When projects are finalized, the parish is ready to move to Feasibility Study.

One ECF Consultant, Sue Fornabai, tells the following story about when parish leaders believe some proposed projects are not necessary:
"A Church enjoyed a long relationship with a bachelor Rector who now was retiring. He minimally entertained in the Rectory. The kitchen was out of date and the shag carpet would be a hard sell when looking for new clergy.

When the new Rector was being called some parishioners indicated a need to re-carpet and install an updated kitchen. During Discernment, this was met with some resistance as many didn`t see it as a priority. This was in large part because folks hadn`t actually viewed the inside of the rectory for many years.

After the retiring Rector had moved from the Rectory, a strategy was quickly implemented. Tours were planned on two Sundays following services and all were invited to tour the Rectory.

People were surprised by what they saw.Following the tours a parishioner indicated he would gift the cost of the updated kitchen and replacement of the ‘60’s shag carpeting!"

Tours speak many words. Seeing is believing!