Buildings and Grounds

By Jerry Keucher
How much should your church charge outside groups for short-term use or long-term rent of your space? This worksheet can help with the answer.
Every parish has the potential of a devastating disaster. Are you prepared? These resources may help.
In the face of devastating loss, what are some of the key things a church community needs to do?
Earth Day resources for congregations focusing on liturgy, green congregations and climate change, and church gardens.
The Genesis Covenant challenges faith institutions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions of their facilities by 50% in ten years. The Getting Started Guide will help parishes take action on this important goal.
Is the possibility of a church merger being considered as part of your growth strategy? This resource may help...
A food pantry garden is a wonderful ministry for a faith community. These gardens foster disciplineship, stewardship of the earth and social justice. They are places of gathering, hospitality and celebration. Given proper pla…