What's Working at St. Mark's, Chenango Bridge, NY

Here's a list of some of the stuff that "works" at St. Mark's. Click the following link to learn more about our community - http://www.stmarks-cb.org/ * Home made bread for communion (we have a bread baking group of about 6-8 people, so they don't have to make it very often, and one batch makes around 12 loaves which each can feed 20) * We have a "Prayers of the People" whiteboard where anyone can add a little "We give thanks for..." or "We remember..." or "We offer prayers for...." It's a little board for anyone to pray for almost anything. * Youtube videos of sermons - http://www.youtube.com/user/stmarkscb * Our priest has a staff of puppets that are the mainstay of his children's moments. On occasion, one of them is "loaned out" to someone in the hospital or, in one case, a person in hospice, to sit with them. The large gorilla named Percival seems to be a favorite there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9wAkkSmy8g&feature=plcp * Prayer shawl ministry * St. Mark's Table - a monthly gathering formed around a pot-luck supper which concludes with some less formal hymns and a simple Eucharist where it's just done by passing the bread and wine around the table. Our Maundy Thursday service, which in recent years was growing smaller and smaller was replaced by this simple service this year to astounding success. It's moving to watch fathers and mothers feeding their children and even, in some cases, vice versa. * A "Change for the Sake of Change" jar near one of the entrances. People and even kids can throw their change in, and we change what the fund is going for.
