Simplify Scheduling and Sign-Ups

Do these situations sound familiar?

  • You are having trouble scheduling meetings, especially with large groups or when some members of the team are missing. Having everyone pull out their calendars and shout out dates is too confusing and time consuming.
  • The sign up sheets posted on the bulletin board in the parish hall aren’t being used.
  • We have a last minute request for help with a project; how can we reach people quickly to ask if they might help?

Doodle and SignUpGenius are web-based resources that simplify the process of scheduling meetings or signing up to help with a project or event.

Simpler Meeting Scheduling
Doodle offers a free online tool for individuals or organizations to create a survey to poll people participating in a meeting or event as to when they are available to attend. Click here for a blog post with more information about using Doodle.

Simpler Liturgical Scheduling
Click here for a blog post about using Doodle for scheduling liturgical ministries, such as acolytes, ushers, and readers.

Easy Online Sign-up
SignUpGenius offers free online tool for individuals and organizations to create a sign-up sheet and then share the link to those who will be using it. Similar to Doodle, this link can be sent out in an email or posted to your website for those who are participating in this ministry. As one diocesan administrator shared, "It has enabled us to get volunteers for a new diocesan ministry scheduling themselves with little reliance on staff."