Tools for Leadership

  • Estructuración de Equipos de Liderazgo Los líderes más efectivos siempre crearon equipos para trabajar y liderar con ellos. Lamentablemente, no siempre creamos equipos efectivos en nuestras congregaciones.
  • Structuring Leadership Teams The most effective leaders have always created teams to work with and lead with them. Take Moses in the story of Exodus, or Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament, or Martin Luther King Jr. in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Our own ministries could be more rewarding if we intentionally structured better teams in all areas of church life.
  • Living Into Our Ministries This guide is for conducting effective mutual ministry reviews in one's congregation. It was collaboratively developed by the Episcopal Church Foundation, the Episcopal Church Center's Offices for Ministry Development and Deployment and many diocesan representatives.
  • How to Select a Consultant A tool for congregational leaders who are considering hiring a consultant - or professional resource - to assist them in reaching their goals.
  • Learn About General Convention Trying to describe the Episcopal Church's General Convention? These resources can help...
  • Formación de equipos fuertes: Una herramienta para identificar cinco áreas de disfunción comunes y m La asesora de ECF Vital Teams Rosa Lindahl cree que la capacidad de un equipo de liderazgo de avanzar hacia el futuro depende de su habilidad de funcionar de maneras efectivas. ¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros, como líderes de feligresías, para hablar más abierta y honestamente sobre las maneras en que las relaciones entre nosotros podrían reforzarse y profundizarse?
  • Framework for Vestry Success A helpful outline that provides an overview of group development theory and how it can be used to create a well-functioning vestry.
  • Vestry Covenants and Norms Every vestry should establish written group norms and a vestry covenant.
  • Building Strong Teams: A Tool for Identifying and Addressing Five Common Areas of Dysfunction ECF Vital Teams consultant Rosa Lindahl believes a leadership team’s capacity to move into the future depends on its ability to function effectively. What can we, as congregational leaders, do to discuss more openly and honestly the ways in which our relationships with each other could be strengthened and built up?
  • Vital Teams Interview Tool An interview tool to help congregations in a clergy search process identify individuals with strong team leadership skills.
  • Assessing Your Leadership Styles: Who am I as a Leader Tool Gain insight into your leadership style with this resource. Can be used individually or as a group exercise.
  • Web Conference: Creating Strong Teams View a recording of the web conference Creating Strong Team Structure that provides steps and tools for developing a strong, committed, and productive team.
  • Voices of Transformation and Renewal In November 2011, ECF Vital Practices attended the Office of Black Ministries and Union of Black Episcopalians conference "Transformation and Renewal" in Hendersonville, North Carolina. While there, we had the opportunity to interview nine leaders from across the Episcopal Church about their own ministries and best leadership practices.
  • Structured Team Approach to Mutual Ministry Review Marshall Ganz's Structured Team Resource was used as a basis for the annual mutual ministry review.
  • ECF's Six Resources to Get Your Church in Shape this New Year ECF is sharing six valuable resources to help strengthen your leadership teams and get your Church in shape this New Year.
  • Congregational Vitality Assessment The Congregational Vitality Assessment is designed to provide congregations with an assessment of its Vitality (how healthy it is) and its Sustainability (whether it has the people, financial, and contextual resources necessary to survive).
  • Hybrid Church - A Way Forward for Church Leaders A tool to help parish leadership reflect deeply upon their post-pandemic ministry.