Tools for Vestry

  • Descripciones del Trabajo de la Junta Parroquial Este recurso incluye una descripcion del trabajo para todos los miembros de la Junta Parroquial. También incluye descripciones específicas para el Guardián Mayor, el Guardián Menor, el tesorero y el secretario. Este recurso proviene de La Guía de Recursos para la Junta Parroquial, disponible por la Fundación de la Iglesia Episcopal. Si desea una copia de este recurso, póngase en contacto con Miguel Escobar -
  • Statistical Data on Episcopal Congregations Do you know your congregation's statistics? Information is available: use this data to enhance your knowledge about your diocese, congregation, and local community.
  • Sample Vestry Job Description When it's time for vestry elections, do members know what the role requires? Use this sample job description as a basis for naming the responsibilities for vestry members in your congregation.
  • Año de la Junta Parroquial Aunque cada Junta Parroquial es diferente, hay algunos movimientos predecibles durante un año. La siguiente gráfica es para ayudar a las Juntas Parroquiales a enfrentar los desafíos y los gozos que se encuentran durante el año eclesiástico.
  • Vestry Discernment Process As a new rector in the 1990s, Janie Kirt Morris knew that she wanted a prayerful process for raising up healthy, faithful leaders for the congregation. She attended conferences and listened to wise observations from experienced lay and clergy leaders and over time created a process that has helped us at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Houston. Here are some of the tools she had developed - and refined - to help with the vestry discernment process.
  • Consent Agendas Looking for ways to make your meetings more productive? Consider adopting the practice of using a consent agenda.
  • Vestry Covenants and Norms Every vestry should establish written group norms and a vestry covenant.
  • Liturgy for Conclusion of Vestry Service A short decommissioning service for retiring vestry members.
  • Formación de equipos fuertes: Una herramienta para identificar cinco áreas de disfunción comunes y m La asesora de ECF Vital Teams Rosa Lindahl cree que la capacidad de un equipo de liderazgo de avanzar hacia el futuro depende de su habilidad de funcionar de maneras efectivas. ¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros, como líderes de feligresías, para hablar más abierta y honestamente sobre las maneras en que las relaciones entre nosotros podrían reforzarse y profundizarse?
  • A Suggested Order of Meeting (for Vestry Meetings) In this new era the vestry and all leader groups will seek to give the congregation the gift of missional leadership. The governance functions in this agenda are concentrated, allowing greater time for the development of an atmosphere of discipleship formation in the church so that the people will be equipped to serve the world in the Name of Christ.
  • Framework for Vestry Success A helpful outline that provides an overview of group development theory and how it can be used to create a well-functioning vestry.
  • A Snapshot of our Urban Neighborhood Vestry Retreat The vestry members of St. Mary's Mariposa, CA, snapped photos of their neighborhood as a way of "looking for God at work in our neighborhood and God's call to us as a parish."
  • Vestry Planning Calendars Vestry planning calendars for managing operational aspects of the church efficiently, creating time for prayer, study and planning.
  • ECF's Six Resources to Get Your Church in Shape this New Year ECF is sharing six valuable resources to help strengthen your leadership teams and get your Church in shape this New Year.
  • Hybrid Church - A Way Forward for Church Leaders A tool to help parish leadership reflect deeply upon their post-pandemic ministry.
  • Resources from ECF to enliven your ministries ECF's resources for vitality and innovation equip leaders to bring about transformation and positive change in our communities.