Audrey C. Scanlan

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan is the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. She was ordained and consecrated as the eleventh bishop of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania in 2015.

Audrey served as a parish priest in her home diocese of Connecticut and later on the diocesan staff as the Canon for Mission Collaboration and Congregational Life before being elected to the episcopate. She has a particular interest in congregational vitality, creative and adaptive use of church buildings, local mission and community engagement. Audrey is the co-founder of Rhythms of Grace, a worship and formation program for children with special needs, has co-authored three volumes of lesson plans and holds a doctorate in the Theology of Disability.

Audrey and her husband Glenn are the parents of three adult children and four grandchildren. When she can, Audrey gets herself out onto the Appalachian Trail for a hike or into the icy Maine water for a swim.

She blogs for the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania at and also at