Daniel Simons

In addition to welcoming the 2+ million annual visitors to Trinity Wall Street and St. Paul's Chapel in New York City, The Rev. Daniel Simons oversees several core areas of congregational life: stewardship, small group ministry, hospitality, and new member incorporation. He also coordinates liturgical development at Trinity.

"I picture my work as aligning these concentric rings of ministries and ministers, from those beyond the doors to those at the altar, to welcome more generously the stranger to Jesus' Table," says Simons. "People contact me seeking support and direction for their work as congregational leaders. I also get calls from leaders around the country looking for best practices, for what Trinity has found most effective liturgically and programatically. I typically answer questions including the whole spectrum of parish life questions, including daily planning and program execution, questions of strategic direction and purpose and questions of faith and spiritual life; it's an extremely rich diet!"