December 8, 2010

Jesus and Santa

Playing Santa helps me understand Jesus a little better.

This isn't a debate about the commercialization of Christmas or whether we’ve spoiled our kids beyond all hope.And I know there’s so much more to my relationship with Christ than understanding what it means to be a gracious giver.

But when you’re Santa for your children, you spend hours in preparation: talking, shopping, chatting with other moms. You try to find that perfect balance of a magical morning, trying to get the most-wished-for presents without slipping into over-the-top consumption.

And yet for all that preparation, worry and work, Santa gets the credit.

The kids don’t throw their arms around you in thanksgiving. They grin and wonder how Santa knew exactly what they wanted.

You play Santa because of love. Not for the glory or the gratitude but because you love your children with all that you are, every bit of them, from the sleepy sweat on their forehead when they wake up to the absent-minded hand they sometimes still stick out to hold when you’re crossing the street.

When I think of that love of a parent, of giving without expectation of return, I understand Jesus just a little bit better.