November 24, 2021

Five Resources on Advent

This month we offer five resources on the season of Advent. Please share this digest with new members of your vestry and extend an invitation to subscribe to ECF Vital Practices to receive Vestry Papers, blogs, and the monthly digest.

The ECFVP Editorial Team put together Ten Advent Resources for 2021 for you to explore the different options available to celebrate the season.

In Change the Metaphor, Lisa G. Fischbeck discusses the metaphors of light and dark and how darkness can be to reinterpreted from a place of fear and nothingness to a place of holiness, creation and creativity.

The Rev. Jemonde Taylor put together a digest for ECFVP on Advent Resolutions. “Advent Resolutions,” he says, “a take on New Year’s Resolutions, are opportunities to disrupt and disturb our normal way of worshiping, speaking, praying, and operating in the world.”

Linda Buskirk shares five ways to get ready to experience a meaningful Advent in her blog, 5 Ways to Prepare Ye.

ECFVP reader Anne Lea Tuohy from St. Elisabeth's Episcopal Church Glencoe, Illinois, shares prayers and reflections for Advent as well as instructions for making Advent wreaths in Advent Wreath Making and Prayers.