June 3, 2013

Moving Out of Our Comfort Zones....

On Thursday I tried rock climbing. It was our office staff day so we went to Chelsea Piers, a big athletic complex. They have a rock-climbing wall, covered in bright red and green and blue knobs and someone holds a rope so you don’t fall. It was more fun than I expected.

I have to admit I’m not a particularly adventurous person. I like books and movies and small groups of friends best. In other words, you probably won’t find me sky diving anytime soon. Still, I find that when I push myself outside my relatively small comfort zone I am often pleasantly surprised. Even the less-than-ideal experiences I’ve participate in—the boring parties, the bad plays, the awkward ice-breakers—have taught me something.

A little anxiety is natural when we’re trying something new or meeting strangers. Which is fine, I was reminded last week, as long as we don’t let that anxiety keep us from growing. Better to acknowledge our fears and anxieties and then move forward.

At one point I did lose my grip, and I’ve a bit of scrape on my forearm to show for it. I only fell a few inches before the rope caught me, and then I made it to the top, as other staff members cheered me on.

Context is important. We can only step out if we know that others will help us when we fall. This is what a caring community can do, push us a little, help us grow, and hold onto the other end of the rope.