October 17, 2013

It's All Real: Resurrection is Everywhere!

Driving home from a meeting of church professionals last week, I was pretty down. I don't know how common this knowledge is, but a fair number who serve the church are pretty down, pessimistic, or otherwise worn out. This assembly was no exception. It was full of “can'ts,” “nos,” and “that's impossibles.” As church professionals, isn't that our business? What is resurrection if not a “that's possible,” a “can,” or a “yes?”

I processed my feelings about this meeting with a friend during the hour-long drive home. He could tell that I was on that same negative trajectory that I had just lamented seeing in others. Rather than call me on it, he let me vent. I dropped him off and headed to my next meeting: Holy Communion. We have a saying in East Tennessee: “God knows how to call a meeting.” Is that ever true.

Later, on the ride home from the feasting on God's Word and at God's Table, I wasn't finished processing. I wasn't finished venting. I turned to my common conversational partner, God. What started as more complaining turned a corner as I turned a corner, pulling the truck into the neighborhood where I live and serve . . .

I was overwhelmed with peace and joy. I saw the motel where Southside Abbey celebrated our first birthday. I saw the chicken processing plant that employs hundreds in our neighborhood. I saw children playing basketball in the street. That's when tears began to stream down my face. At the same time I began to laugh. Then I heard myself say out loud – in words that could only have been the Holy Spirit's – “It's all real. Resurrection is everywhere.”

That's when I knew I was snared. The laughing continued. I felt like I was in on the joke. Submitting, I got out of the truck and started to walk along the sidewalk beside my house. In words that were once again mine, I said, “Okay Holy Spirit. I get it. What's next?” In an answer to that question, I turned my head towards the lawn on my left and there – walking right beside me – was the first dove I have seen since last season. Okay Holy Spirit. I get it. What's next? It's all real. Resurrection is all around us.