July 18, 2017

12 Pages!

I had an idea for a post about annual stewardship campaigns. Before I launched into writing, I visited the ECF Vital Practices’ web site to see if someone else had already written about my idea. As you likely know, dear reader, on the Vital Practices home page, the dark blue bar across at the top includes an option for Topics. When you click on that, you receive a listing of Featured topics, as well as a list of 28 topics covering myriads of ministries, from Administration to Youth and Young Adults.

I clicked on Stewardship, one of the Featured Topics, and found not one page, but TWELVE PAGES of articles and links to recorded workshops – all about stewardship ministry. I read several posts as I investigated whether my topic idea had been covered by someone else.

This activity proved to be both enjoyable and intimidating as an ECF VP blogger. Holy Collection Plate! - There is so much good stuff at Vital Practices about stewardship! And so much more.

So, I’ll save my stewardship topic idea for another time in order to ask you today to help spread the word about www.ecfvp.org. Please encourage all the members of your congregation’s Vestry, Stewardship Committee, and other leadership roles to subscribe. As the site explains,

Subscribe to ECF Vital Practices for articles, tools, and resources by and for congregational leaders. With this subscription, you'll receive 12 issues of Vestry Papers and a monthly digest of resources along with the option to receive regular blog posts, all for free.

Bishops and Diocesan Staff, please suggest Vital Practices often as a resource for parishes. Most information is also available in Spanish:

Si desea recibir correos electrónicos regularmente sobre lo último en los recursos en español, por favor póngase en contacto con Sandra Montes al smontes@episcopalfoundation.org.

I just know there are Stewardship Committee people in Episcopal parishes nationwide wringing their hands about what to do this fall. The ones who are not doing so likely found plenty of helpful, inspirational, and FREE information at www.ecfvp.org. 12 pages worth!