Clergy Transition

By Donald Romanik
One of the most difficult things to do in any work setting is letting someone go. In Firing an Employee the Right Way, Donald Romanik tackles termination in a church context, suggesting ways to avoid unnecessary conflict and …
By Charis Bhagianathan
Any kind of change brings an opportunity to re-focus and re-energize ourselves. Whether your congregation is in the midst of seeking a new rector, or an outgoing rector needs help with his or her retirement, this issue highli…
By Meghan Froehlich
The Office for Transition Ministry provides support to clergy, laity, bishops and Diocesan Transition Ministers throughout the Episcopal Church, guiding people through times of discernment and calling. In Breathe and Carry On…
By Gary Gleason
"Why should we spend a year trying to get a new minister? I could fill this job in about a week!" the vestry member proclaimed. "Yes," I replied, "but it's not a good idea."